Sunday, September 26, 2010


I'm thinking of applying for bursaries sometime in the next month. Hopefully, I can get enough to cover my travel expenses (about $1,000 estimated over the course of a semester). If I can't, then I'll have to figure out something to help cover the costs.

The downside to bursaries is I have to take out a student loan for me to qualify for the bursaries. If I don't take the loan, my bursary cap is much much lower. So I know one person who is worried that I will spend that loan money and have to pay it back post-graduation, which would be really inconvenient because I already owe my parents a whack of money for an unrelated issue. I keep insisting I won't spend the money, and if I end up getting the loan to apply for bursaries, I intend to keep my word.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Practicum Dilemma

I'm faced with a dilemma for my final practicum in my degree (Bachelor of Social Work - BSW). I've asked our field co-ordinator to try to get me a practicum with a place I found in Vancouver. It's *exactly* what I want to be doing with myself, and I'd be so happy if the practicum led into a job with the organization.

The catch? Transit costs. I don't drive, so even just taking the WCE (West Coast Express) train to and from Vancouver, I'm looking at $80/week ($320/month) for transit costs... probably close to $1,000 by the time I'm done. Which is ridiculous. I may have additional costs for bus once I'm in Vancouver, but that's something I'll have to check into.

The issue is that I've had pressure to move back home before Jan., so I'm closer to Vancouver and won't have to use the WCE train. That way I can just use Translink transit, and not have to commute from where I live now. The downside is I don't like that option, plus it's based on a short term scenario and doesn't accomodate for my partner living with me once he comes back to live with me in Nov.

So I'm not sure what to do if my field co-ordinator tells me they'll take me after all. I want to stay where I am and not have to move twice in 6 months or twice in a year, but at the same time those are really really high transit costs, and I'll have to come up with the money somehow.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Family Support

I am grateful that I have a relative who works in the upper levels of the BC education system. She has access to experience, information and knowledge that I might not otherwise know about.

Case in point: I spent a night at her house over this weekend. In the afternoon, my relative and I took a walk along the pier and I got to share with her some of my future plans for giong into sexual health research. I told her about meeting author Kaycee Jane and sitting down with her, and possibly getting to meet some other big names in the field. She was excited and delighted for me, and I was happy to have her feedback and her support. She told me about sexual health workshops and classes in some of the BC school districts she's worked in, and I know I have that as a possible option for a future career.