Monday, August 16, 2010


Hello, and welcome to my blog!

I'm writing this as a fourth year BSW (Bachelor of Social Work) student in a Canadian university. I will be graduating in June 2011, or at least that's the plan barring any unforseen barriers. Ideally I'd like to work with a group or organization that gives sexual health workshops in elementary, middle and high schools.

I decided to set up this blog to chronicle my thoughts, experiences and questions about being the oddball in university who wants to go into the area of sexual health education, somewhat a niche field of work. Many people aren't aware of it, or at the very least aren't aware of what kind of work it entails, and even more aren't aware that it can be included in the field of social work.

Please feel free to comment on any of my posts - I welcome your questions, feedback and discussion. At the bottom of my blog, I have a list of good sexual health and sexual education links - please feel free to take a look and pass them on. If you can think of any sites you'd like me to add, comment here and tell me, and I'll add them upon review.

Thank you for stopping by!