Thursday, August 30, 2012

Internship is a no-go, but runner-up option isn't bad either

I didn't get the internship, but they offered me a volunteer position instead. I think I will probably end up taking it.

In other news, the clinic project is finally starting to come together. We will be at OK College in Penticton to promote the new clinic and hand out information & materials. I won't be able to be there for long because I work and can't get my shift switched, but hopefully we can make something work for later in the week so I can be here.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Updates and the like

It's been a busy month, and it's only going to get busier.

First order of news - I applied for an internship position with The CSPH in RI! After some technical issues, they gave me an interview via Google Hangout. I will find out Monday whether I'll be accepted or not.

Second order of news - I am part of a working board that is working with Options for Sexual Health to get a local sexual health clinic set up in town. Well we got our funding, and we're set to open September 18th! Right now I'm in charge of putting posters up around town to help spread the word.

Third order of news - I've added a couple of new sexual health blogs to my blogroll, so keep you eyes peeled for new links that are added as I find them. If you have any you think I should see, leave a link in a comment! Also while I'm at it, I'm not the best with updates, but check out my Twitter (@SexEd4Youth) to see what I'm up to (I try to check my Twitter at least once a day).


All in all, I'm excited to see what the fall is going to be like. I'm trying to find a second job, so if everything falls into place, I will have 2 dayjobs, my internship, my clinic shifts, and my side project of sending safer sex materials to the dorm in Abbotsford to juggle. But I wouldn't have it any other way!