Monday, April 25, 2011

New Developments?

Had a talk with someone today and it sounds like I might be moving to someplace new, somewhere that wasn't in the picture before. Will post the details once I'm into May and some stuff has happened. ^_~

Sunday, April 24, 2011

May 15, 2011 - SlutWalk Vancouver

I will be participating in this event, so I'm reposting it here from my Facebook activity.


SlutWalk Vancouver is coordinated by a group of committed organizers, and working groups.
Inspired by, and acting in solidarity with SlutWalk Toronto, SWV shares their vision (adapted from SWToronto:

  • SlutWalk is not about hate, and we do not use hateful language.
  • SlutWalk addresses the culture that excuses away all sexual assault, not solely rape.
  • SlutWalk recognizes that sexual assault is not something solely done by men towomen.
  • All people, regardless of gender, have a role in challenging victim blaming and sex shaming that create a culture that justifies acts of sexual violence. This event is not just about the violence, but the excuses that allow violence to continue.
  • Women are most often the targets and men are most often the perpetrators, but all genders are affected. SlutWalk recognizes all gender expressions as those that have been and can be negatively impacted. All genders can be sluts or allies.
  • Some communities/people are at a higher risk of sexual assault than others based on their status, work, ability, access, race, identity, and a variety of other factors. We aim to recognize this and come together, in all our diversity, as people who are all affected and unite as sluts and allies.
  • Use inclusive and respectful language when discussing the diversity of people affected: men/women and all gender expressions, racialized communities, people of different abilities, etc.
  • SlutWalk is an impassioned and peaceful stance that aims to engage others in dialogue.

RSVP at the event's Facebook page if you're interested in participating!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Practicum = Awesome

So tomorrow is my final day of practicum. It was supposed to be today, but I had Tuesday off unexpectedly, so I said I'd come in on Thursday to make up for it.

How do you know you're fortunate to be working at a wonderful practicum? When they get you a cake to thank you for all of the hard work you did. <3 <3 <3 They're totally awesome, I was really touched that they did that for me. They were having a staff meeting when they brought it out, and then my supervisor and a couple other staff members said some wonderfully kind things about how they appreciated the work I did for them and how they were happy to have me there. They said I "set the bar" for future practicum students, which flattered me.

But as sad as I am to finish tomorrow, I will be returning in mid-May for SlutWalk in Vancouver, and I hope to stay in touch with them so I can continue to do volunteer work (of some kind) with them.

If anyone from YouthCO is reading this, thank you so much for the opportunity to do my practicum with you. I was so grateful and felt so blessed to meet everyone and do the work that I did, and I will definitely keep in touch so I can work with you guys again in the future. Thank you thank you thank you for everything. <3

Friday, April 15, 2011

Article: Kansas, Idaho Advance "Pain-Capable" Fetus Bills

This is from a few weeks ago (Mar. 30th), sorry for the delay in posting it.


Taken from:

Kansas and Idaho are the latest states to take up bills that would reduce the window of time in which women can obtain an abortion. Last month, we reported that Minnesota lawmakers had introduced a bill that would limit abortions to 20 weeks after conception, based on the (not-scientifically-sound) claim that a fetus can feel pain at that point. That bill was approved in committee, the Minnesota Independent reports, and is expected to advance.

Final 3 days!

I can't believe the end is almost here! I have 3 more days (after today) at my practicum, and then I'll be done! :( I will be coming back for SlutWalk in mid-May, however, and I hope to keep in touch with them to do future work and volunteering for them.

I'm talking to my practicum about potentially setting up a satellite office in another part of the province. I'm hoping that will generate some work for me, so I have something to jump to once I graduate.

3 more days, 3 more days!