Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Summer and Fall Updates

I'm back, after several months. At long last eh? I didn't mean to let this blog die for a bit, I just got caught up with moving and working on employment stuff and looking for work, plus some of my own work on the side.

Summer - I moved, got told (politely) that my resume sucked, and so I spent all of August and part of September fixing it. In the meantime I unpacked and worked on some of my volunteering on the side. For example, my guild on Gaia Online is now on Twitter and on Youtube. I run both accounts myself, so uploads are slower than I'd like to be, but it's getting there.

Fall - Finished up my resume and started looking for work. After about 2.5 weeks, I found a cashier position at a big name grocery store. It doesn't use my degree of course, but at this point I need the money badly and anything will do. I start tomorrow, and I'm nervous but looking forward to it.

On a personal stuff, the family drama crap hasn't gotten much better. On the plus side though, my partner is moving back in mid-Nov. once his working season is over, so I'm looking forward to that!

Hope you all are well.