Gaia Online Guild - TTSPPG

Those who know me on the website Gaia Online ( know that I've spent the last 5 and a half years running my personal pride and joy, "The Teen Sex, Pregnancy and Puberty Guild." Guilds on Gaia are like online clubs that users can create on any topic of their choice (as long as it doesn't break any of the site rules).

I created my guild years ago when I was in the Life Issues forum, and I saw lots of people asking questions relating to teen pregnancy. So I created my guild, originally gearing it towards teen pregnancy. Over the years, it expanded to include questions about teen sex and puberty. I've also added additional "subforums" (subsections of the guild) to include additional topics relating to the main three of sex, pregnancy and puberty - relationships, masturbation, menstruation, abuse, birth control, mental health issues, sexuality and gender identity, and so on.

Since its creation, the guild has accumulated over 4,000 members and over 46,000 posts. It's a place where I post articles from the internet about the guild's topics, and I also transcribe and post pamphlets & brochures in "stickies" for users to read. The goal and purpose of the guild is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for people to access educational, accurate information about sex and pregnancy. Gaia is only for users aged 13+, so the guild is primarily for teens, but there are many users who are adults and who are a part of my guild.

Some screenshots of what it looks like:

[Above: The guild's homepage]

[Above: A partial list of the guild's subforums (there are more below that were cut off) ]

[Above: What a subforum looks like, with stickies (information from me) and threads (questions) from guild users.]

Gaia is free to join, and anyone who is a member of Gaia can join the guild (no gold deducted from their account). Applicants just need to provide their age (so I know they're not below 13) and their reason for joining. Blank applications are automatically rejected.

My username on Gaia is Nikolita, and people are welcome to post any questions about the guild here, or they can message me on Gaia. I'm also fine with users messaging me private questions if they don't want to post them publicly in the guild. Users are also welcome to join the guild if they want to "lurk" and not post at all.

The guild can be found by searching for "The Teen Sex, Pregnancy and Puberty Guild" in the Guilds section of Gaia, or by clicking this direct link: