Friday, January 14, 2011

What's Wrong With Society?


What's wrong with today's world? What is wrong with today's society, where it's apparently "cool" for an 11 year old to wear adult-type make-up and get dressed up to look like a skanky reality TV "star" from the show Jersey Shore? Where were the parents, and why did they apparently ok this?

This really bothers me. Girls today grow up in a world and a society which is hypersexualized. Girls and women are treated like objects, trained to look "hot" and "beautiful" and "appealing" to the opposite sex from a young age.

This 11 year old should be playing with friends and having fun being a kid - instead she's getting a make-over from a reality TV "star." Great, let's teach her that your goal in life is to try to be beautiful and look just like Snooki. *eye roll*

And Snooki just makes it all worse by saying that one is "never too young to look bangin'." As a friend of mine on Facebook said, did she even think about what that word really means, where the root of that word comes from? Did she even think about how inappropriate that is in the context of an 11 year old getting a make-over? It doesn't sound like it.

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